Holiday cottages website

Holiday cottages website design and marketing

Paul and Angela had recently acquired a holiday cottages business in Herefordshire and needed to update their website.

The website was well designed visually, but was very slow, making the user experience (UX) difficult and damaging bookings. They also wanted it to emphasise ‘dog-friendly’.

They needed someone they could trust to update it, whilst they learned to manage the site and booking system themselves. Having seen the work completed for another property rentlal site, HappenOak treehouse, they asked me to speed up the site and help them learn how to manage it.

I moved the site to new hosting, removed unnecessary WordPress plugins that were slowing the site down and renamed key landing pages to improve search performance.

After initial reorganisation and upgrade of the site, I support the owners as they manage all day-to-day operations themselves.

White House Cottages: Holiday cottage in Herefordshire

Marketing and advertising management

Content management

Digital marketing management for Switzerland Travel, working for London and Zurich offices. Designed travel related page layouts, created optimised content and wrote content, as well as developed partner and own brand newsletters and promotions. GoogleAds management.

Features: Drupal CMS; Hubspot marketing; GoogleAds; FB Ads; Google DataStudio; Google Analytics;

Switzerland Travel Website –

House share website

house share website

Co-founders Nick and Eva wanted to offer the over 40s better access to house share opportunities. Leading house share sites were dominated by young professionals and millenials who were not interested in older housemates, making it difficult to find a place. Live-in landlords and lead tenants can advertise a room where prospective housemates can search. People looking for a place can search by location, sharing preferenes and keyword.

Features: User management; Ecommerce; ; Advanced search; Advertising – GoogleAds and FB Ads; Search marketing; Content management;

House share and flatshare website –